

Scholarships (for International Students) 京都精華大学独自の PK10计划人工计划(外国人留学生対象)


Scholarships are designed to support students with excellent academic performance and those who are experiencing financial difficulties.
The university aims to support students in reducing their financial burden by providing grants and scholarships that do not require repayment.

Available Scholarships

List of Scholarships for International Students Taking the Entrance Exams (for Enrollment in the 2025 Academic Year)

These scholarships are available for international students with “Student (Ryugaku)” visa enrolling from the 2025
academic year. Scholarships are divided into those awarded before or after admission.
No Undergraduate/Graduate Name Type Selection Period
1 Undergraduate Scholarship for students with excellent entrance examination results Reduction or exemption Before admission
2 Undergraduate Scholarship for privately financed international students with excellent EJU results Reduction or exemption Before admission
3 Undergraduate Scholarship for excellent academic achievement Reduction or exemption After admission
4 Undergraduate Undergraduate tuition reduction or exemption for privately financed international students Reduction or exemption After admission
5 Undergraduate / graduate Scholarship for overseas study programs Reduction or exemption After admission
6 Undergraduate Scholarship loan overseas study programs Loan (interest-free) After admission
7 Undergraduate / graduate Emergency tuition relief for victims of natural disasters Reduction or exemption Before or after admission
8 Undergraduate / graduate Short-term scholarship loan Loan (interest-free) After admission
9 Graduate Graduate school tuition reduction or exemption for privately financed international students Reduction or exemption After admission

[No. 1] Scholarship for students with excellent entrance examination results (reduction or exemption)

Amount (per year)
25% of annual tuition fees 
(Exemption from tuition fees for the year of admission)
Eligible students
- Applicants who have passed the entrance examination for international students (Round 2 Schedule B) with excellent results
Subjects covered: academic ability, short essay, pencil drawing, image expression
*The enrollment quota for each subject is proportionate to the number of examinees for the academic year in question
- Recipients of the “Scholarship for privately financed international students with excellent EJU results” are not eligible for this scholarship
- Recipients of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) “Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship” are eligible for this scholarship
Number of recipients
15 (including both domestic and international students)
Selection process (excerpt)
Recipients are selected from among the applicants with the highest scores (top 30%) in the entrance examination for international students (Round 2 Schedule B).
Selection Period
Before admission
*No application necessary (all students who take entrance examination for international students [Round 2 Schedule B] are eligible)
*If you are selected, you will be notified along with your entrance examination results

[No. 2] Scholarship for privately financed international students with excellent EJU results (reduction or exemption)

Amount (per year)
25% of annual tuition fees 
(Exemption from tuition fees for the year of admission)
Eligible students
- Prospective privately financed international students who have passed the Comprehensive Selection and the entrance examination for international students
- Students who have received a total score of 300 points or more in “Listening and Listening-reading Comprehension,” “Reading Comprehension,” and “Writing” (with at least 35 points) on the “Japanese as a Foreign Language” section of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)
*The test must have been taken within two years prior to enrollment (2023academic year or later)
*Recipients of the “Scholarship for students with excellent entrance examination results” are not eligible for this scholarship
*Recipients of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) “Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship” are eligible for this scholarship
Number of recipients
Selection process (excerpt)
- Recipients are selected from those with the highest test scores among students who have received a total score of 300 points or more in “Listening and Listening-reading Comprehension,” “Reading Comprehension,” and “Writing” (with at least 35 points) on the “Japanese as a Foreign Language” section of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU). In the event that two or more students have the same score, the student with the highest score in “Writing” will be given priority.
Selection Period
Before admission
Documents to be submitted
- Proof of Results for the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU): a copy of the score report or transcript
- Application Form for the Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students with Excellent EJU Results 
How to apply
Please refer to the Japanese page for details on how to apply.

[No. 3] Scholarship for excellent academic achievement (reduction or exemption)

Amount (per year)
25% of annual tuition fees
(Exemption from tuition fees for the academic year in question)
Eligible students
- Privately financed international students enrolled in the second to fourth year of an undergraduate degree program
- Students who have earned the standard number of credits by the previous academic year (second-year students: 31 credits, third-year students: 62 credits, fourth-year students: 93 credits)
- Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the previous academic year
- Students who have not taken a leave of absence during the academic year in question
*Recipients of the “Tuition reduction or exemption for privately financed international students” are eligible for this scholarship
*Recipients of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) “Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship” are eligible for this scholarship
Number of recipients
15 per year level (including both domestic and international students)
Selection process (excerpt)
Recipients are the top 15 students in each year level, selected based on their GPA in the previous academic year.
Selection Period
After admission

[No. 4] Undergraduate tuition reduction or exemption for privately financed international students (reduction or exemption)

Amount (per year)
25% of annual tuition fees 
(Exemption from tuition fees for the academic year in question)
Eligible students
Privately financed international students who are enrolled in the second to fourth year of an undergraduate degree program and meet all of the following criteria
Family finances:
- Students who receive an average monthly allowance (excluding tuition fees) of 70,000 yen or less
- Students who pay rent (including maintenance fees) of 25,000 yen per month or less
- Students not receiving financial support from any person living in Japan with an annual income of over 5 million yen
Academic performance:
- Students who have earned the standard number of credits by the previous academic year (second-year students: 31 credits, third-year students: 62 credits, fourth-year students: 93 credits)
- Students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher in the previous academic year
- Students who have not taken a leave of absence during the academic year in question
Recipients of other scholarships:
- Recipients of the “Scholarship for excellent academic achievement” are eligible for this scholarship
- Recipients of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) “Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship” are eligible for this scholarship
Number of recipients
28 per admission year
Selection process (excerpt)
Recipients are selected from those with the highest academic performance among students who meet the criteria for family finances and academic performance.
Selection Period
After admission

[No. 5] Scholarship for overseas study programs (reduction or exemption)

Amount (per year)
50% of annual tuition fees
(Exempt from tuition fees for the period of overseas study)
Eligible students
- Students who wish to study on an exchange program at one of the university’s overseas partner universities or take an overseas program offered by the university (excluding short programs)
- Students who will study abroad for six months or more
- Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the previous academic year
- Students with a TOEFL-iTP score of 550 or higher
- Students who have earned the standard number of credits by the previous academic year (second-year students: 31 credits, third-year students: 62 credits, fourth-year students: 93 credits)
- Students who have not taken a leave of absence during the academic year in question
- Students who have not received this scholarship in the past
*Recipients of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) “Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship” are eligible for this scholarship
Number of recipients
20 (including both domestic and international students)
Selection process (excerpt)
Recipients are selected based on their submitted documents (written plan) and interview performance.
Selection Period
After admission

[No. 6] Scholarship loan overseas study programs (interest-free loan)

Amount (per year)
Up to 300,000 yen
(Applications can be made in units of 100,000 yen)
Eligible students
Students who wish to take a study abroad program offered as a regular course, but are unable to do so for financial reasons
Number of recipients
Selection process (excerpt)
Recipients are selected based on their submitted documents.
Selection Period
After admission

[No. 7] Emergency tuition relief for victims of natural disasters (reduction or exemption)

Amount (per year)
<Before admission>
Entrance examination fee: Full exemption
Admission fee: Full exemption
Tuition fees: Reduction of 25% of annual tuition fees
<After admission>
Reduction of up to 50% of annual tuition fees
Eligible students
Students residing in an area covered by the Disaster Relief Act, or whose tuition fees are paid by someone who resides in an area covered by the Disaster Relief Act
Number of recipients
Selection process (excerpt)
Recipients are selected based on their submitted documents, which are comprehensively screened in terms of the disaster situation, the student's family finances, support from national and local governments, and the use of other scholarships from organizations inside and outside of the university.
Selection Period
In the event of a disaster

[No. 8] Short-term scholarship loan (interest-free loan)

Amount (per time)
Up to 30,000 yen
(To be paid within one week of application)
Eligible students
- Students who urgently require funding to continue their studies
- Students capable of repaying the loan within six months of receiving it
*Students on a leave of absence are not eligible for this loan
Number of recipients
Selection process (excerpt)
Recipients are selected following a screening of submitted documents.
Selection Period
After admission

[No. 9] Graduate school tuition reduction or exemption for privately financed international students (reduction or exemption)

Amount (per year)
- Master’s programs
50% of annual tuition fees
(Exemption from tuition fees for the academic year in question)
- Doctoral programs
75% of annual tuition fees
(Exemption from tuition fees for the academic year in question)
Eligible students
Privately financed international students enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program who meet the following requirements
Family finances:
- Students who receive an average monthly allowance (excluding tuition fees) of 70,000 yen or less
- Students who pay rent (including maintenance fees) of 25,000 yen per month or less
- Students not receiving financial support from any person living in Japan with an annual income of over 5 million yen
Academic performance:
- Master’s programs
First-year students:
No academic requirements
Second-year students:
- Students who have earned the standard number of credits by the previous academic year (second-year students: 16 credits)
- Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the previous academic year
- Students who have not taken a leave of absence during the academic year in question
- Doctoral programs
First-year students:
No academic requirements
Second- and third-year students:
- Students who have earned the standard number of credits by the previous academic year (second-year students: 6 credits, third-year students: 10 credits)
- Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the previous academic year
- Students who are recognized by their graduate school as have made good progress against their research plan during the previous academic year
- Students who have not taken a leave of absence during the academic year in question
Recipients of other scholarships:
Recipients of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) “Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship” are eligible for this scholarship
Number of recipients
- Master’s programs
per admission year
- Doctoral programs
1 per admission year
Selection process (excerpt)
Recipients are selected based on their submitted documents and academic performance.
Selection Period
After admission