

Educational Policies of the Graduate Schools 大学院 3つの方針


Graduate School of Humanities

Diploma Policy

Cognitive Ability

Knowledge & Understanding
Students must demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge required for areas of research and how specific research questions relate to the basic concepts of and developments in the humanities.
Thinking & Judgment
Students must possess the ability to conceive new perspectives that transcend existing frameworks.


Skills & Expression
Students must possess a mastery of pragmatic language skills and literary techniques suited to different situations.


Interest & Motivation
Students must possess a mindset conducive to developing ideas that will advance current levels of understanding.

Students must possess an attitude reflective of the future of humanity and the world based on an understanding of cultural differences and a strong sense of social responsibility as a member of society.

Curriculum Policy

The curriculum is designed to support students in pursuing a broad range of research topics in the humanities that incorporate unique viewpoints and problem awareness and is structured so that they can absorb knowledge from a rich variety of standpoints beyond their own areas of specialization. 

Admissions Policy

Prospective students must show a keen interest in the research fields of the Graduate School of Humanities and clearly express their desire to conduct research and/or apply their expertise to their field in the future. 

Graduate School of Art (Master's Program)

Diploma Policy

Cognitive Ability

Knowledge & Understanding
Students must demonstrate an accurate understanding of the current trends and history of art and cultural expression.
Thinking & Judgment
Students must have the ability to consider the messages that could be conveyed through exploring possibilities in novel and universal fields of expression. 


Skills & Expression
Students are able to select a suitable theme and materials in line with their individual expressive intent and possess flexible production techniques and a theoretical foundation suited to different situations.

Emotive Ability

Interest & Motivation
Students constantly question the nature of humanity and are consciously aware of the relationship between personal artistic expression and our society and the times.

Students do not spare any effort required to give shape to a chosen theme using individually appropriate means of expression and styles of presentation.

Curriculum Policy

The curriculum is designed to systematically provide students with skills and expertise and then cultivate in them the ability to apply these skills and expertise flexibly to interdisciplinary fields through activities other than production, such as criticism, discussion, and other projects.

Admissions Policy

Prospective students must show a keen interest in each of the research fields of the Graduate School of Art, possess sufficient past experience in research and art as a basis for study in these fields, and clearly express a desire to conduct research and other undertakings in these fields in the future.  

Graduate School of Art (Doctoral Program)

Diploma Policy

Students conducting purely theoretical research must contribute to the progress of the arts by providing academic insights across richly diverse artistic fields through original theoretical research based on their specialization.
Students engaged in art production, design proposals, and other artistic or expressive activities are required to conduct both applied and theoretical research on the distinctive features, advanced skills, techniques, and media employed in individual specializations.
They are also expected to contribute to potential developments in and furthering of research on art, expression, and design.

Curriculum Policy

The wide-ranging areas of art research have been organized into the following three areas and respective research objectives. Students belong to one of these areas to explore their research topic in depth.

Fine Arts

Students either conduct research on classical, modern, and contemporary artistic expression or pursue new potential artworks. 


Students either conduct research on the aesthetic properties and functional rationality of things and information and the relationship these have with the real world or pursue design proposals and production. 


Students either conduct research on various media expressions that amplify corporeality or consciousness or pursue new potential media art and expression. 
Research is conducted under a joint supervision system consisting of a primary supervisor chosen from the student’s specialization, a secondary supervisor chosen from either inside or outside that area, and another secondary supervisor chosen from among the faculty members teaching theory courses. Students have opportunities to improve their insights through supervision in both theory and practice, and they conduct in-depth research by adopting a multidisciplinary approach to issues in art, expression, and design today.
They must also stay abreast of domestic and international standards of practical and theoretical research in their respective areas of study and aim to validate their research findings by attempting advanced and/or specialized demonstrations, proposals, or productions or presenting theoretical research in a public or external setting.
In writing their doctoral dissertation, students must pursue advanced theorization and demonstrate originality based on their individual theoretical research and application in their respective fields and aim for content that contributes to the development of their area of specialization.

Admissions Policy

Prospective students who show a keen interest and desire to conduct research in art, design, and media, a willingness to explore new areas of study as future academics, and the ability to independently perform their research and creative activities are admitted from within Japan and overseas.

Graduate School of Design

Diploma Policy

Cognitive Ability

Knowledge & Understanding
Students must possess required specialist and theoretical knowledge and an understanding of the global trends and history of design.
Thinking & Judgment
Students must exhibit a deep interest in social and environmental trends and be able to accurately judge and express these in relation to various fields.


Skills & Expression
Students must have an understanding of the latest technology and be capable of making highly expressive proposals by integrating knowledge and techniques gained through research.

Emotive Ability

Interest & Motivation
Students must exhibit a global awareness and sensitivity to new information, and maintain both an interest and desire to actively propagate such information.

Students should spare no effort required to play a leading role in shaping the future based on creative communication skills and a strong sense of social responsibility as a member of society.

Curriculum Policy

Design Major

A practically-oriented curriculum geared toward designers, producers, and researchers that is designed so that students can systematically acquire advanced skills and expertise in the field of design.

Architecture Major

A practically-oriented curriculum geared toward architects and spatial designers that is designed so that students can systematically learn advanced skills and expertise in the field of architecture.

Admissions Policy

Prospective students must show a keen interest in the fields of specialization for the design and architecture majors at the Graduate School of Design and clearly express a desire to conduct research and other activities in these fields in the future.

Graduate School of Manga (Master's Program)

Diploma Policy


Cognitive Ability

Knowledge & Understanding
Students must possess both knowledge of anime and manga research in Japan and overseas and the ability to analyze this information, and be sufficiently proficient in the Japanese language and IT skills required to make presentations.
Thinking & Judgment
Students must have the ability to engage in continuous academic inquiry on expression, culture, and society from the standpoint of anime and manga and present their findings to people from other fields or countries.


Skills & Expression
Students must be capable of positing research questions in a way that responds to the current state of anime and manga culture and its research in addition to presenting verifiable findings that relate to other fields.

Emotive Ability

Interest & Motivation
Students must show both respect for the academic nature of research and a willingness to ask probing questions as well as the initiative to study independently as required.
Students must recognize the importance of dialogue between anime and manga artists and their audience and promote broad social discourse on anime and manga culture.

● Practice 

Cognitive Ability

Knowledge & Understanding
Students must have the ability to apply knowledge of manga and its situation in Japan and overseas to creative activities as well as the Japanese language proficiency and IT skills required to present the creative work that results.
Thinking & Judgment
Students must broaden their personal horizons by integrating knowledge about manga with creative and theoretical viewpoints and through interactions with artists from other fields and countries.


Skills & Expression
Students must use their advanced skills and conceptual capabilities to engage in creative activities that contribute to manga culture as it transforms through globalization and informatization.

Emotive Ability

Interest & Motivation
Students must possess creativity, an expressive desire unfettered by prevailing conventions in manga art, and a constant drive for improvement.
Students must demonstrate a willingness to actively contribute to manga culture in Japan and abroad through a global outlook and respect for teamwork.

Curriculum Policy

A practically-oriented curriculum geared toward artists, researchers, and highly-skilled professionals that is designed so that students can systematically learn advanced skills and expertise in research on manga.

Admissions Policy

● Theory

Prospective students must have basic knowledge of prior research on manga and animation and the ability to write academic papers.
They should also have a keen interest in manga as it is broadly defined and a clear desire to conduct research and other activities in related fields in the future.


Prospective students should be able to comprehend skills and expertise relating to manga and possess the advanced conceptual abilities required to create manga works.
They should also have a clear desire to conduct research and other activities in related fields in the future.

Graduate School of Manga (Doctoral Program)

Diploma Policy

Students must possess originality as a researcher or artist in addition to a higher level of expertise than required to complete a master’s degree.

Curriculum Policy

1) Research supervision is provided jointly by artists with extensive experience in manga production and researchers in the humanities and social sciences to imbue students with the problem awareness and research outlook required for the advanced specialist knowledge and expressive techniques used in research on manga.
2) Participatory seminar classes are held to enhance students’ ability to conduct independent research.
3) Research supervision respects the individuality of students and the originality of their research topics.
4) Opportunities to present research both domestically and internationally have been actively included into the curriculum to instill a breadth of objective academic learning and the communication skills essential for continuing and developing research. 

Admissions Policy

1) Prospective students should intend to research the theory and advanced expressive techniques of animation and manga.
2) Prospective students should be able to research from a multifaceted perspective that integrates and connects other fields as well as possess both broad knowledge of prior research on manga and animation and the basic skills required to write academic papers.
3) Prospective students should intend to contribute to cultural creation and development through sustained creative and research activities conducted independently.