

Fund activity reporting 寄付金活用状況のご報告


We sincerely thank all our donors for their cooperation and generous support of education and research at Kyoto Seika University. The table below shows the total amount of donations for every year since 2016. Your gifts to the university help us maintain our facilities, fund cultural and research endeavors, and student life. Your kind generosity and continued support allow us to enhance our educational programs and research activities and assist students in their university life.

Total Donations (in JPY)

AY 2020 ¥65,466,254
AY 2019 ¥8,765,236
AY 2018 ¥11,156,013
AY 2017 ¥8,146,328
AY 2016 ¥7,749,693
*Includes donations of books and other items

For more information on the impact of your gift, please visit our Japanese-language website.